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Virtual Event: Unlocking B2B
Brand Excellence
Most B2B brands are indistinguishable from their competitors (50%). Most B2B buyers aren’t ready to buy (up to 95%). And 71% of B2B ads generate no sales due to poor creativity.

And yet many B2B companies settle for short-term tactics for growth, content with blending in with their competitors and engaging only a small proportion of their available market.

Herein lies a huge opportunity, and we’re seeing many B2B brands take advantage, to huge effect.


Rewatch the webinar below, where we cover:

— Key research showing the pitfalls and opportunities of B2B marketing
— How emotional marketing can help B2B brands grow
— How to speak to those audiences that are not actively buying
— How to build a distinctive B2B brand that sticks in the minds of your audience
Whitebear Claw
Wb Thumbnail Image 3 Changes Consumer
B2B Sales Growth
How B2B Brands can grow sales and brand value
Wb Thumbnail Image Branding Pays
EVENT: Branding Pays
How branding can transform your business and drive long-term success
Branding Roi
Brand Building ROI
The case for brand building return on investment
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